
Ontonagon County is home to
Porcupine Mountains State Park,
Michigan's premier wilderness. The
"Porkies" are ninety-two square miles
of splendid scenery and gorgeous
waterfalls. Much of this land is
pristine old growth forest. Highlights
of the Porcupine Mountains are many.
Stop in at the park's Visitors Center
to acquaint yourself with the area.
Mountains Website

Maps & More
Don't miss: Lake in the Clouds,
arguably the most scenic place in Michigan;
Summit Peak Observation Tower, an expansive view
of the virgin forest and Lake Superior; Presque
Isle Falls, with numerous cascades over
intricate shale formations; Union Bay, miles of
sandy beach for swimming and finding pretty
beach stones; Union Mine Scenic Trail, a self
guided historical tour.
Winter enthusiasts can downhill and
cross-country ski at the Porcupine
Mountains. Snowmobilers can rev-er up
over 200 miles of groomed trails.
In the Ontonagon area fall
colors are a patchwork of hardwoods
combining to create a riot of colors.
Panoramic vistas abound. Fall color
peak season is the last two weeks of
September and the first week of
October. Don't miss the riverside board
walk in Ontonagon, and scenic splendor
of Bond and Agate Falls in the southern
end of the county.
Call 906-885-5275 for details and a
variety of Naturalist Programs.
City Lodging

Silver Image Studios
Photos of Western